Claudia Bly, R.D.H.
Claudia Bly, R.D.H.
Periodontal Dental Hygienist
To this day, people ask me how I decided to become a dental hygienist. That was a long time ago! I remember it was something different than the careers my high school friends were pursuing. Whatever else influenced me, looking back, the choice was correct, no regrets.
I was fortunate to grow up in a small village in New York, my siblings and parents all with creative artistic talents. We paid attention to details, used our imaginations, we worked hard and played hard (my mother made sure we could be “kids”), we were disciplined, never gave up and learned to be independent and self-sufficient.
As children we spent much time outdoors, in flower gardens, the woods, our large backyard and the village park pond. Nature all around us, we made pets of wild animals, reptiles, insects, and birds and of course the expected dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters. Only once were we cautioned to not bring home a monkey because my mother refused to change its diapers!
Our lives were filled with interesting things to do. I learned every form of needlework, gardening, music, furniture refinishing and more. The only time I sat still was to read….with books stacked on my nightstand or carried up into the tree house in the old maple tree behind the barn.
My telling you this is what has continued throughout my life and shaped me as a dental hygienist….a keen sense of observation, curiosity, caring for anything living either plant or animal, dedication to preserving nature, and my own satisfying drive for perfection.
I graduated, with honors, from Broome Community College in Binghamton, New York with an A.A.S. Degree in Dental Hygiene and became licensed in New York that same year. Soon after, I took state board exams and have licenses in North Carolina and Colorado. I have spent most of my years working in the Rochester area, first in general dental practices then advancing into periodontal practices twenty years ago. Always working as a hygienist but also as an assistant, surgical assistant, office manager, and receptionist have given me a broad knowledge of dentistry.
I am thankful and privileged to work at Dental Implants and Periodontal Health of Rochester with friends whom I enjoy spending my days, and that I have a career which allows me to be useful and help other people, namely our patients. Pablo Picasso stated that “the meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose is to give it away”. One hour spent with me will improve your health, your self-esteem, your smile and minimize any fear you have of dentistry. I promise.
Out of the office, I spend as much time as possible making a home for rescued animals, birding, gardening, and once again renovating another house. Reading is a constant as is being with interesting talented friends, always learning, never ending.
To schedule a periodontal hygiene appointment with Claudia Bly, R.D.H., please contact our office today! 585-685-2005
Care Beyond Your Expectations