Permanent Dentures Rochester NY: What You Need to Know

by | Nov 11, 2020

When it’s no longer feasible to keep your natural teeth due to decay, an accident, or other situation, it’s time to look for other options to keep your mouth healthy. Permanent dentures in Rochester NY, with Dr. Zahavi, are one option that can restore your mouth function, give you back a great smile, and protect your mouth from further issues.

What are Permanent Dentures?

While some dentures are removable, others stay in the mouth permanently like natural teeth. They are also sometimes referred to as hybrid dentures. Hybrid dentures are affixed to the jawbone so that they don’t move. They feel, look, and function like natural teeth and won’t shift or move.

Many patients who get removable dentures often complain that their mouth gets sore and can’t chew as they did with their natural teeth. Patients may also experience bone loss in the jaw since there are no teeth roots to transfer the chewing forces to the bone.

All of these problems are eliminated with the use of dental implants to secure the dentures. A periodontist may recommend dental implants to secure your denture if you’ve experienced problems with your removable dentures. Dental implants help to keep the bone healthy and intact because it is part of the jawbone1. Future bone loss is also prevented because the implant acts as an artificial tooth root.

How are Permanent Dentures Placed in the Mouth?

During your procedure, your periodontist will place a few dental implants in your jawbone. During this time, a temporary teeth replacement option can be used over the implants so that patients can chew and eat. Once the implants have integrated into the jawbone, your dentist will secure your dentures to the implants. The entire process will take a few appointments and can take approximately three to nine months1.

Why Would I Need Permanent Dentures in Rochester NY?

Permanent dentures are a good idea for people who are missing more than one tooth or have damage to multiple teeth. To be a good candidate for permanent dentures, you have to have enough bone in the jaw to support the implant. If you don’t, your periodontist will work with you to discuss other options.

Benefits of Permanent Dentures

Besides restoring your smile and making it easier to eat, there are other benefits of dental implants to secure your dentures:

  • Facial support – Having implants supporting your dentures helps to keep the structure of the mouth.
  • No gels or cleaners – When you have permanent dentures, you don’t have to worry about messy adhesives or taking your dentures out to clean them.
  • No pain – Many people who have removable dentures often complain of pain due to improper fitting.

Taking Care of Your Permanent Dentures

Taking care of your permanent dentures is the same as taking care of your natural teeth. Brush your teeth and rest of your mouth like you would normally2. Also, be sure to have regular periodontal visits to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Schedule an Appointment for Permanent Dentures Consultation Today

If you would like to know if permanent dentures through dental implants is an appropriate option for you, contact Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester. Dr. Zahavi and his team can answer your questions about dental implants and permanent dentures. For more information, call us at 585-685-2005 or contact us online.






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