Tips for Dental Implant Recovery

by | Mar 24, 2023

The recovery period after having dental implants placed can vary greatly depending on several factors. However, the single biggest factor is the patient. The patient’s actions before and after surgery can impact their dental implant recovery time, for better or worse.

If you have a dental implant surgery scheduled and are searching for things you can do to help smooth (and even shorten) your recovery, the good news is that it’s possible to do exactly that.

Tips for Recovering After Dental Implant Surgery

After oral surgery, it’s vital that you take care of the surgical site in the best possible way. Little things you do can significantly affect how well your body heals. Following are some tips to help you recover as fully and as quickly as possible after surgery for dental implants.1

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Exercise is an excellent way to speed healing, just not for the first few days after dental implant surgery. You must rest for a few days before resuming any strenuous exercise regimen. Overzealous physical activity can increase the risk of complications and slow your recovery time.

In addition, activities like running, heavy lifting, and any intense movements should be avoided. Check with your periodontist regarding how long. Going out for a walk or doing some yoga are suitable activities.

Stop Smoking

Smoking (and all tobacco use) interferes with the healing process because it restricts blood circulation to the surgical site. It also decreases oxygen flow to the mouth. Ideally, you should stop smoking several weeks before your procedure and continue to abstain afterward.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoking after a surgery procedure increases the risk of complications. Research shows that people who stopped smoking months before surgery healed better than those who kept smoking.2

Stay Hydrated

After having dental implants placed, it’s crucial that you stay hydrated.3 When a body is properly hydrated, there is improved blood circulation in the area and that can help flush out toxins that could inhibit your recovery after oral surgery.

Avoid drinking alcohol and limit your caffeine intake, as well, because both substances can dehydrate the body. Alcohol also can disrupt your healing process. Additionally, you should avoid using a straw when you drink for the first few days following your dental implant procedure.

Use Cold Compresses

After dental implant surgery, many patients experience swelling and some tenderness for a few days. To relieve these symptoms and reduce inflammation simultaneously, apply a cold pack. If you’re using ice cubes, wrap them in a towel; don’t apply them directly to your skin.

You can hold the compress on the area troubling you for 20 minutes on and off as needed for the first 48 hours after surgery.

Mind What You Eat for 24 Hours

You shouldn’t eat anything spicy, hot, or hard for a few weeks after your dental implant procedure. These kinds of foods can cause pain and irritate oral tissues.

If you don’t feel like eating after your oral surgery, that’s okay too. When you do get hungry, start with soft foods. Some excellent choices are:

  • Oatmeal
  • Smoothies
  • Fruit purees
  • Broth or soup
  • Yogurt

These are just a few examples. Don’t rush into returning to a regular diet. As a rule of thumb, the food you eat should be soft enough to get mushed between your fingers, eaten with a spoon, and swallowed without chewing.

Dental Implant Recovery the Easy Way

When you take care of yourself after surgery, you’ll lower your risk of complications and ensure that your surgical site heals properly. Listen to your body, rest, and recover for a few days before jumping back into things full speed ahead.

For more information about dental implant recovery or surgery, contact our team at Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester to schedule a consultation. Call us at 585-685-2005.







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