dental surgeon Rochester NY
More than half of the United States citizens are unhappy with their teeth looks. Statistics have shown that about 75% of US citizens have gum disease. Many people often turn up to their dentist on issues that require oral surgery services, not knowing that there are limitations to what a dentist can offer when it comes to the scope of the treatment he can give.
A dentist offers general dental services such as gum care, dental upkeep, and maintenance, to mention a few, while a Rochester oral surgeon performs complex treatment regarding your dental health.
While an oral surgeon can perform numerous tasks, here are five things an oral surgeon in Rochester, NY, can do for you.
- Dental Implants
Were you involved in an accident that eventually left you with missing teeth or made you removed some? Or you removed your teeth due to some infections? Perhaps, due to old age, your teeth have rotted away.
Whatever the case may be, instead of wearing a smile with an open jaw or getting restrained from eating your favorite meals, a dental implant is an excellent option. With it, your missing tooth or teeth get replaced, helping you restore your confidence at smiling and also eat what your heart truly desires.
- Gum Surgery
An Oral Surgeon performs surgery on your gum if you have any case related to periodontal diseases.
Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that infect your gum tissue, causing it to swell and make your teeth weak and uncomfortable. If you notice any of these symptoms regarding periodontal disease, consider seeking an oral surgeon's advice, or better still, book for oral surgery in Rochester, NY with our firm.
- Aesthetic
If you have a maligned tooth or teeth, perhaps from birth, and you desire to get your teeth aligned, you need surgical procedures to get this done, and this remains one of the most important tasks of an oral surgeon. An oral surgeon can also help you change your teeth' color, position, or shape.
- Tooth Removal
When wisdom teeth (teeth that show at the early stage of adulthood) sprouts, most of the time, many people do not have the extra space to accommodate it, making it a necessity to remove them. There is no better place to get rid of these teeth other than visiting a dental surgeon.
- General Hygiene & Maintenance
It is essential to visit a dental surgeon in Rochester NY, to carry out the necessary biopsies to determine any abnormal growth around your mouth and perform a deep cleaning on your teeth to prevent you from having gum disease.
At Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester, our Rochester cosmetic dentist caring team focuses on individualized care, addressing every aspect of our patient's health, comfort, aesthetics, and wellbeing. We pride ourselves always on making a difference in every of our patient's life.
Our delivery of service is top-notch as we boast of the finest periodontal practitioners. If you're struggling with any dental issue and need expert advice, contact Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester to schedule your first appointment: 585.534.3346.
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