6 Reasons Why You May Need Teeth Implants in Rochester

by | Apr 30, 2024

You have several options when you’re looking to replace lost teeth and restore form and function to your mouth. While each has its merits, teeth implants, or as they are called dental implants, are one of the most effective and versatile. If you’re considering addressing your tooth loss, consider why seeking out teeth implants in Rochester, NY, may be your best bet.

What Are Teeth Implants?

Teeth implants are a tooth replacement procedure that offers superior support and durability and the option to replace multiple teeth at once by providing support for a denture or dental bridge.[1]

The implant process involves the fusion of a titanium post to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. The post is then connected to a natural-looking prosthetic tooth with the help of an abutment. This fusion process offers a look, feel, and level of support unmatched by any other tooth replacement option.

6 Key Reasons Why Teeth Implants May Be the Best Option for You

The benefits of teeth implants are far-reaching, offering you the chance to improve your smile’s look and function. Consider these six key reasons why teeth implants may be your best option.[2]

1. Bone Loss Prevention

The roots of your natural teeth stimulate growth in your jawbone. When teeth are missing, that stimulation is no longer there, which can result in bone loss. While a dental bridge or denture can restore the appearance of your smile and the function of your teeth, these options cannot restore the stimulation your jawbone needs to continue growing — but teeth implants can.

2. No Facial Sagging

Missing teeth and bone loss can shift your facial structure, causing you to look prematurely aged by creating wrinkles and facial sagging. With a teeth implant filling the gap where a tooth has been lost and providing the stimulation necessary for bone growth, this aging effect can be prevented.

3. Superior Durability

Replacing your missing teeth generally isn’t something you want to do throughout your life continually. Still, you will likely need to replace your dentures or dental bridge multiple times if you go with either of those options. When properly cared for, your teeth implants are unlikely ever to need replacement. Just one procedure can offer you a lifetime of smiling with confidence.

4. Natural Feel

The added support provided by the osseointegration process allows for a more natural-feeling replacement tooth. This restores greater function to your mouth than other replacement options, so you can eat more comfortably and digest better. This means that teeth implants can improve not only your dental health but also your overall health.

5. Improved Appearance

Missing teeth can be detrimental to your oral health, but they can also harm your self-confidence. While bridges and dentures can go a long way toward helping you feel more confident in your smile, the natural appearance of teeth implants can serve as an even more significant upgrade.

6. Replacement of Multiple Teeth at Once

One of the more notable aspects of implant dentistry is its ability to restore your smile when several teeth are missing with the help of just a few teeth implants. Implant-supported bridges and dentures use the strength and durability of teeth implants to give you the smile you’ve always wanted without requiring several procedures.

Looking for Teeth Implants in Rochester?

Modern dentistry offers various effective ways to enhance the health and aesthetics of your smile, including replacement teeth. If you’re in Rochester, NY, and want to restore your smile with teeth implants, the experienced and friendly team at Dental Implants & Periodontal Health of Rochester can evaluate your smile and recommend a personalized plan to meet your unique needs.

Contact us online or call 585-534-3346 to get started today.



[1] https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/dental-implant-surgery/about/pac-20384622

[2] https://lambtonfamilydental.com/blog/9-reasons-need-dental-implants/


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